With one of the first days of the year where it wasn’t raining and the temperature was in double figures, a few urgent messages went around saying that a session was going to be happening on a Tuesday evening at the Watlington Bowl.

I decided to go for a skate and take my camera bag to try and get some shots for the boys at Roots Longboards and for the Watlington Wheels Project, to help publicise the fact that we’re trying to raise funds to get a new flow section built, along with a street section, beginners’ area and possibly a pump track around the whole thing.

The Watlington Town Council are behind the idea and have generously donated a large sum of money to get us started and now we need to get grant money added to the total, hopefully with some match-funding from other sources.

The Watlington Wheels Project have set up a Facebook page to keep everyone up-to-date with proceedings and where they can announce events and in the future lessons for kids (and adults) who want to take up skateboarding.